Dear Individual,
The point is not where but who do I go to now(JC).
There is no one true religion, you can look till kingdom come you won't find it.
You don't want to "throw out the baby with the bath water" so to speak. There are some very correct things that you were taught by the JW's, you have to decide for your self what teaching are correct and which are worthless. A careful search would be in order.
If you are looking for an organization that will answer all your questions you won't find it. If life were only that easy. People who are looking for someone to make all their hard choices in life are easy targets for Cults. So If anyone claims to have all the answers watch out!
You are about to embark I think on a very interesting and hopefully wounderfull journey (that is up tp you).
I feel a person should go to Jesus Christ(no religious organization).
As well as feeling that they have gone bad, I also feel that some of the theology from the bible was correct, is there any truth out there in this world?
I beleive the Bible is truth, but put little faith in men, the Bible even warns us about putting too much faith in men does it not?
You can be a Christian without joining any religion.
I feel a great openess toward any who put faith in Jesus but will not belong to this or that man made group. To belong to a particular Christian religious group means you got to beleive what that group beleives(or you could be censored in some way).
I don't want anybody ever again to force me to do that. I will instead read and study and make up my own mind as to what proper and what improper, that is my responsibilty before God I alone will have to answer for it, not some man made self appointed religious leader.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying you can't be a Christian if you belong to this or that group, you can it's just a lot harder.
By the way no one has everything correct, we all have a measure of wrong understanding. But that's not so important the important thing is we exercise faith in Jesus and follow the law of love(unwritten).
I could say alot more but this is all for now.
Best wishes for you Individual.
I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.